The Dollar Store

So apparently Dollar Stores are having to scale back there selection... the economic "crisis" has effected even them.  Everything is a CRISIS these days.  I haven't heard a single topic on NPR that hasn't been labeled such.  So, now we have a DOLLAR STORE CRISIS on our hands.  Name-brand tic-tacs, cheap car oil... say goodbye to such luxury dollar items my friends.  Though if you too, are veering away from fossil fuel injected items and staying away from 'eating dinosaurs', the Dollar Store might not be your store of choice.  But, while I may have not stepped foot in one for a few years, I have to say I have fond memories: another product of 1980s childhood.  Though, in our book, tic-tacs were never so hot as the "braclets you can fill with candy" and other edible accessories.  So here is my next drawings for the post:  Shopping with Mom and another moment with cousin Beth.